

  • Name: Lihli Nbolo

  • Age: 67

  • Race: Viera

  • Title(s): Yurikosei, the Stargazer Lily

  • Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them

  • Sexuality: Biromantic demisexual

  • Profession: Contact therapist, alchemist, part-time shopkeeper at The Singing Well

  • Socioeconomic Class Wealthy


  • Biological Gender: Male

  • Height: 4'5" | 134cm

  • Weight: 102 lbs

  • Build: Slender and elegant

  • Bearing: Bright and serene, his bearing errs on the side of stillness and deliberate tranquility

  • Voice: Soft-spoken, gentle

General Details

  • Languages: Polyglot

  • Birthplace: The Black Shroud

  • Current Residence(s): Homes in the Mist, Shirogane and the Black Shroud.

  • Religion: Devoted to Oschon the Wanderer and Menphina the Lover


  • Has a habit of wrinkling his nose when agitated, and telegraphing nerves through growing very still. This is a learned nervous behaviour and manifests very rarely.

  • Often found sitting in odd places for very long periods of time.

  • Smiles in a way that is almost excessive, even his resting expression carrying a quirk of the lips that makes him seem perpetually amused or kindly.


From destruction comes life, from darkness - light - and Lihli embodies this philosophy as a conscious choice.Kind, patient, empathetic and uncommonly observant, he spends his life devoting every ounce of who he is to aiding others. Utilising the advantageous ability to navigate difficult social interactions and moments of tension with ease, he seeks out those lost in shadows and offers a hand to guide them back out.Though he spends his life working hard to gain the trust of others, Lihli is surprisingly reluctant to allow others to return the favour. Happily skirting details about his own life, Lihli navigates conversation back to those he's speaking with to enable others to feel at ease without burdening them with additional troubles.


  • ♪ Singing

  • ♪ Wine

  • ♪ People watching

  • ♪ Travelling

  • ♪ Alchemy

  • ♪ Crafting

  • ♪ Flowers

  • ♪ Candour

  • ♪ Companionship

  • ♪ Open spaces


  • ♮ Cruelty

  • ♮ Violence

  • ♮ Rainy weather

  • ♮ Dishonesty

  • ♮ Healers

  • ♮ Isolation

  • ♮ Spicy food


As a young man, Lihli made the choice to depart from his home and seek out a life independent of the responsibilities of that home. Travelling taught him the value of botanical life, and an appreciation of the different alchemical applications of their varying properties took him to Thavnair.The hot sands and rampant poverty suited hikm ill, but the call of proper alchemic study kept him interested for several summers. Late in the year, a request from a pleading soul sent him, alembic in hand, on a quest overseas to the city state of Limsa Lominsa.He found a new home in the embrace of a sunny La Noscea, and Thavnair lost an aspiring alchemist. Sowing wild oats as an entertainer and peace keeper in the Drowning Wench, Lihli abandoned his craft for long nights and loud music and the bright allure of good drink.While working there he engaged in many flings, but one would serve as the catalyst to irrevocably alter his life.He loved a man, and the children that came with him - a beautiful a set of twins.But such things aren't always made to last, and what began as the start of the rest of his life ended in deepest tragedy. One fateful journey to Ul'dah with twins in tow, Lihli looked evil in the eye. He emerged alive but very badly damaged from an axe wound to the gut and the shattering of his spine. His children did not make it past the ordeal, and their lives were ended before they were given the chance to truly begin.Broken in ways he hadn't thought possible, Lihli was recovered by a few good Samaritans who took him home. He recovered enough to walk, then fled. Frightened of touch, of people, of sound and cities and unable to trust another, Lihli sank into a deep depression.Unfortunately, his relationship was not able to bear the loss of something so beloved, and what had once been a source of comfort and stability ended in infidelity and abandonment. With his injuries making it impossible to continue his work at the Wench and his support system vanishing with another, he had to find his own way out of that dark place, stumbling and tripping every step along the way, feeling his way blindly until he found a place of light and warmth again. The strength he got from that fight emboldened him, gave him a sense of purpose, and he decided that no one would ever again have to make that same journey alone.He became something new. A light in the darkness, a compass to point the way, a guiding hand that would not let go until whoever he helped made it to the place they wanted to be safely.He began to offer his services to the frightened. To the lost, the confused, the lonely, the isolated and the broken. He offered them the voice he needed in his own time of darkness; a calm, patient hand reaching out and encouraging someone to take it. He set up a practice offering platonic comfort and touch therapy to those who couldn't bear to find it elsewhere in a less safe environment. He found a new calling, and he chased after it with every onze of strength he had.

Skills & Talents

  • Accomplished and well established contact therapist

  • Former head geisha of two okiya

  • Competent alchemist

  • Skilled in producing alcohol

  • Well travelled and versed in the customs, languages and day to day life of multiple cultures across Hydaelyn

  • Has an excellent memory

  • Adept in culinary arts, tanning hide, small metalworks and making furniture

  • Sings very well

  • Well versed in tea ceremony

  • Able to competently play the shamisen

Free Hooks

Free for use without prior discussion or meeting

  • Seeking Patients You may have been approached by a smiling viera who had been watching you at a bar, handing over a flyer discretely with the details of what he does before silently wandering away.

  • Word of Mouth Lihli's reputation is wide spread and far reaching. Perhaps you were recommended his services by a friend, acquaintance or even passer-by.

  • That Old Magic If you are seeking or selling alchemic concoctions or ingredients, you may have either had dealings with Lihli in the past or seen one of his few advertisements in adventurer's guilds offering help or seeking something himself.

  • Help Wanted Frequent visitors of public bulletins may have come across an advertisement for help acquiring ingredients or exploring a difficult to reach place for new marvels.

Rare Hooks

To be used with caution and regard to the difficulty with which any knowledge would be acquired

  • The Stargazer Lily As a former geisha both in Othard and at multiple Doman consulates, you may have come across Lihli operating as Yurikosei and played games or found yourself one of her clients.

Deeper Hooks

Should be used with consideration

  • Former Client Have you been tended to by Lihli in the past? Are you a former or recurring client? (this hook needs to be discussed with me ooc before we utilise it to sort out details but you're welcome to it)

Exclusive Hooks

Only to be used after discussion with player

  • Sharlayan Are you a member of the Nbolo family? Part of the same former classes as Lihli? Do you recognise him from who he was as a child? Let's have a reunion.

Thanks for taking a look. Here's some general stuff you might want to know about me!

I've been playing ffxiv since it launched and been role playing in the community for about 5 years. Outside of ffxiv I have 15 years of role play experience and am very passionate about writing and story driven character development! I role-play multiverse by default and will only change this to single verse on request so please remember to ask if that's your preference! I am not, personally, comfortable role playing with anyone under the age of 18 regardless of content of said role play. Please respect that. I'm based in Scotland so my timezone is GMT and my sleep schedule is C H A O S.Cheerful Cryptid#1337 Important Note: Please try to remember that my interactions with you as Lihli and my interactions with you as myself have a very clear divide.I will always indicate to you when I am in character by using prose, quotations or the /em function. Anything outside of that should be treated as myself and not Lihli. The same is said for the reverse.

Hello, are you looking for a female miqo'te by the same name as this character? You're still in the right place! This Lihli is, in fact, that Lihli, and if you've met HER, he will also remember you.Lihli uses special means to alter his form between two standard appearances. If you want to know more about this you can try to get the information from the character or ask me about it OOC.If the concept of that makes you deeply uncomfortable, that's okay! It do that sometimes.